Alan Moses
When I was interviewing voice teachers over the phone I reached Jacque Chambers on the phone. I went through my interview questions and my last question was, "What makes you good or great at what you do?" She simply replied,"Please go to the mirror while we're on the phone and let me hear you speak." I went along with it and no sooner had I said a few words she began describing what I looked like..square jaw, narrow nose, wide cheek bones, my appoximate height and hair color. I was blown away. She did this by listening to my voice. She was hired! She has done amazing work with my voice and my presentations. I am a public speaker. Sometimes I just book breathing lessons so I am focused, relaxed and energized.

Brenda Carr
My 16 year old daughter loves musical theatre and plays. She was diagnosed with vocal nodules. We were devastated. We tried other voice coaches but her condition only got worse. She could barely talk. We reluctantly scheduled her for surgery. We had a month before surgery when a mother in the theatre group gave us Ms. Chambers number. We met with her and started following every instruction of life style change, exercises, and nutrition. We went every week and sometimes 2X a week for a three week period. At my daughters pre-operative appointment the nodes were gone! She had a speaking voice again. We did not go through with the surgery and continued with Jacque. Over time my daughter could sing again and learned how to sing properly so she would never blow her voice out again. THANK YOU JACQUE!
Deborah Wurzberger
I was a baker at a restaraunt owned by Aerosmith in Massachusetts. I had sung all my life until I kept getting vocal nodules. I had surgery on my vocal cords, and I still could not sing. One day I asked Steven Tyler who he thought could help me and he gave me Jacque's number and said, "Shes the best in the business."
The lessons began and immediately I felt improvement. Jacque took me every step of the way to full vocal recovery to where I can sing again with range, and power and have vocal health. She is an amazing teacher and mentor.